Although i have written on the lines of this topic before but you guys can take it as a continuation if you like.Well to begin with no matter what you achieve.what you buy,what you get yourself you can never be satisfied.Its not in human nature to be.They are always looking for more.Searching for more riches to somehow make them feel better,Somehow make them feel happy.But all the riches in this world can not buy real happiness.You continue your search for happiness everywhere you go in everything you do.But you never know if you're truly happy because what is happiness can never be fully defined.It's very subjective and indeterminable o say the least.You'll always be looking out for something.
But If you for a moment stop and say No I have had enough.I am happy as i am right now.I have found everything i ever wanted and everything i was looking for then what would happen to you.I personally believe that you would cease to exist.You no longer would belong to this world.You can in many ways become one with the supreme one.You leave all the riches here,everything you have ever gained to gain the biggest prize of them all.But we don't want that do we?We want to live in this world as it is here we have always belonged.Who has seen heaven?Nobody alive i can say.We live all our life in this materialistic world and here is where we die.So why should we want the riches of some other world.
Answer is very simple if you believe me.It's simply because nobody living in this world is happy with his or her existence.They are looking for ways to get out of the mess they are in.And only the riches of that other world supposedly can provide them with the exit.That's the view generally held by many.I for a change am a part of the crowd here.I agree with this point of view because for me its only in the holy aode can you really be content for once and for all in your everlasting life.No more running,no more hunting.This is the ultimate peace you can get and the only thing worth living for,worth dying for:)