Sunday, April 20, 2008

Butchers,Barbarians,Robbers-The story of Nehru/Gandhi Dynasty

Well the events of past week have certainly given my thoughts a new dimension.Till now i was oblivious to the truth,to what has happened but now after having learnt it all i must say im sick,sick of wat these ppl have done and are doin to this lovely country of ours.They have EXISTED for more than 100 years.

But during this time they have used all their strength to ruin this country of ours.The extended British Rule,they didnt want the british to leave(asking for dominion status).Had it not been for Bhagat Singh's call for full Independence we might not have seen the light of day for the next 15-20 yrs.After that the partition,the strife caused which is haunting us to this day.The greed for power by the Clan/dynasty in Indian Politics has brought one of the biggest mistakes committed in the world.

The over zealous mother who needed all the power all the time and couldn't let her own son take the limelight,result son murdered.The slow reaction to every terror strike,every infiltration bid,hell they even let a former PM assassinated,one of their own family just like his brother.What do we hear now that the very conspirator and the accused has been granted Life term from Death Sentence on a mercy petition filed by none other than the man's wife.What have they not done to stay in power.They have killed their own kin let alone the others they killed to ensure their success.

I ask you today what has Congress in its 123 yrs of existence ever done for India except ruin the nation once so glorious and made it to be ranked amongst the lowly of nations in the world.The sheen,splendour gone.Looted away by none other than the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty that has ruled India for a Century now(almost).They are the perfect allies for everry terror outfit in the world and god knows when the innocent people of this country will wake up and see what these bloody butchers have done to them,their fellow country men and to this nation, once called the THE GOLDEN BIRD.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Is There Any Good Left

As days go by i feel myself moving away from things i have cherished for so long.Growing up is tough and seeing things around you change has a dramatic effect on you.It can totally change you or your outlook towards life.World as wee know it today has changed a lot from say a decade ago and it will continue to change in the coming years.But at israpid change i'm feeling lost and wondering what is actually going on.People are not what they used to be.No more friendliness(let alone friends),no more senstivity.It saddens me that we humans as a race are treading on a path which will only result in pain,suffering,bitterness,hatred and the likes.
Today when i see around and listen/read news all i can hear about is Assault, Robbery, Rape, Murder, Bribery etc..What is this?I know that these have existed in the human society for centuries if not ages but what depresses me the most is the increased no. of such incidents that we come across in our daily lives today and added to that is the age of the culprits & the victims involved.It seems like the "Young Generation" of today (I'm involved too, I know) has stopped caring about the results of their actions.I somehow feel they don't know why they are doing this even.There is just some unseen hand guiding them through these events like the angels of Hell working their magic to lead this race to a premature end.
There is so much vileness today that I have begun to wonder that is ther any thing good left in this world?Is there anywhere on this planet something good that we can look forward to, to change our lives,make the situation better?I believe there is.I think there is something that the world can hang on to, that there is still some good left in these dark times and will continue to be there but only getting tougher and tougher to find.Now i don't say do this or do that or you are doing wrong or right.All i am saying is that whatever it is that you are planning to do or the action you are planning to take, think about it and see whether you would like to see something similar done to you or your family.If the answer to that question is Yes then my friends there is nothing on this earth that should stop you from doing it but if its a No then you needn't look beyond yourself for restrain.
So with this thought in mind I'm signing off today with many things left unsaid but yet i hope & God Bless Us All

Sunday, April 6, 2008

What Women Want

Another oft repeated topic but kya karein dil hai ki maanta nahin.well i know everyone must surely have an opinion on this topic but wat's the harm if i just went ahead and expressed my own.To begin with we have had countless mails circulated where people have made fun of wat actually goes through a women's mind,we have had our share of laughs on reading the jokes.there is the other nerdy group too which has spent most of its life trying to figure out the intricacies of women psychology coming out with new findings and results every fortnight or so.But to be rally sure whether those can be generalised to all the women in the world is somewhat far fetched.
people say that women are the more sensitive of human beings.They are more emotional.But what i would like to ask these people is that do not men show emotions.Don't they care for their loved ones or for others even for that matter.Fact is we are better able to control our emotions which gives rise to the fib that men are less emotional than women.Now i know what i write here might not sound pleasing to a lot of peope but then again i can't do anything about it.I'm not here to please everyone.Though your comments are always welcome.Coming back to topic i would like to remind all the guys out there who have in any capacity cared for a girl in their lives.How is it that their one smile/laugh/grimace can change our entire mood and we become so helpless and actually enjoy being in that state.
This is the control women have over us.Their one request could mean everything for us.It's not to say that we don't enjoy doing it.We love it to the core but what i want to highlight is the fact that we are so enchanted by their stance that there is nothing we can do.We act as slaves in their company doing their bidding though they don't mean it at all.Women have for a long time if not from the start had their way with men.They are the supreme manipulators.They can do whatever they want whenever they want to us and we'll be glad still.That's just the beauty of it.You wish to have control over others so you go bully people to show your strength or intimidate others to get what you want.Women don't need all that.
Women for their part are a confused lot.This i think everyone will agree with me on(atleast i think so).They are never really sure what they actually want themselves.Some do and they are very good at it too but the concept can not be generalised.Women actually try to run so many things in their mind at a given point that they end up being confused about the real thing at hand.This sometimes helps them in getting labeled as "dumbo",though they can't do anything about it.They just act this way because they expect us men to understand what they want to say automatically.I mean whatever is running through their minds,whatever is it that they want us to tell, they somehow feel that we should be knowing that already.We needn't be told about it by them.
This is a very surprising line of thought.How can we know what is running through their minds yaar.If we knew i wouldn't be sitting and writing this stuff right now.But wat can we do this is wat is expected of us.This is why it becomes so difficult to talk to women sometimes.What they don't understand is that we guys generally don't like to fret about stuff we have no idea of.We prefer being told things rather than being given subtle hints which are so difficult to understand.This is why you see so many couples breaking up today.Frankly speaking two guys can become frnds based on almost nothing.Two guys can be friends just because they are guys.They don't need anything to start a conversation and sports is always there to talk about.But its not the same with girls.There you need to find the right words,right phrases and right timing otherwise forget friendship.
Studies have shown that men on an average think about sex once every 10 seconds.That is true to a lot of extent.We don't have a lot of things going around in our minds.And frankly i can say i'm happy about it too because why do we need to think about other stuff which has got nothing to do with us right now.I for one love to live in the present.But things are not always what we would have liked them to be so people end up thinking about other stuff too.Which is fine as not everyone can be the same.
Well having written all this i am beginning to confuse myself too.Women are so confusing that even thinking or writing about them can confuse you.So before any of this goes in any other direction i wanted it to be i'll end it here and maybe come back later when im fresh of ideas.
So in the end all i would say is if you really love someone and you want to make that girl happy all you gotta do is spend time with her.Try to understand her feelings.Guess her mood by her expressions cause she won't tell you but she will be hurting inside no doubt.I guess i have made an effort at establishing the concept of women psychology though it aint even the beginning of it but that's all for now.......................................