Many won't buy my eulogy to the King as to them the unproved paedophile tag is too much to digest. But i don't care...i loved him for his music and what he has given us. one could see so many people try the moon walk that one might forget who started it all. But there was one and only one who perfected it with ease. Those steps made people go wild and crazy and i as a child watching intently on TV seeing that move was left amazed. Till this day i try to copy it, to see if i can make something out of it but i can't. But the music was what made MJ special. The passion that he brought to the music can't be seen everywhere. The feelings with which he sang and the emotions. Everything was memorable. Agreed i never did understand the lyrics and i had to search for them to try and understand but still the characteristic shrieks were what i tried to copy whenever a Jackson song came on TV.
If you have seen any MJ video you must have seen a very common attire. An undershirt and a shirt open or tied at the waist. Coupled with it the three fourths or the super short trousers. a person not knowing MJ would think it is a comedy show but that's just what MJ brought to the stage - a difference. Who says you have to be bare chested or all dressed up or even in casuals. Mj had his own style just like his voice, his personality. He was a wonderful dancer no doubt about it and like his predecessor (Elvis - The King of Rock n Roll) he too had his own collection of sequined suits that adorned the stage in all his world performances. Guess that's what you have to wear if you are called The King. It can be said without a shadow of a doubt that it was MJ who put the P into pop music. The King of Pop stole millions of hearts and left another million broken on his sudden demise. Coming on the back of the news of his world tour, it really is heartbreaking.
The improper use of drugs prescribed by doctors no better than quacks have claimed a person, so loved all across the globe. If nothing else, MJ gave a ray of hope to the millions of black people in America that with some hard work they too can succeed and the results are there to see. The whole of NBA roaster - all the teams have hardly any white players. Almost all are black. It hurts to think about his death. It hurts to know he won't be around anymore. But there is a pleasant note attached here that maybe his troubles on earth are finally over and he can actually rest in peace in the heavens above in the Hall of Music. Goodbye MJ....we will surely Remmember The Time when we try to Heal The World but i do want to ask you, Will You Be There??????