Saturday, December 29, 2012


Its ok to grief. Its ok to feel sad. Its ok to cry a little too. A nation you love so much has been let down by its public and its politicians so why shouldn't one cry out in disgust at the apathy of the rulers of this great nation? Why do we let ourselves be taken for a ride by the herd of money minting goons who have no care for us? Why don't we learn? Is it human to commit same mistake again & again? Why don't we focus on educating the public? Why are we mute spectators in this era of crime? Why is the sense of self comes first more important than of building a nation?
People say that a change is in order. The public wants answers. They need reassurances. But don't they need a sharper memory too to remind those in power that their time of sitting idle and doing nothing is over.
Its a black day in the timeline of existence of this country. Do we make noise or make our voices heard? Do we do anything but crib, deride, curse and forget? Do we let this victimization stand or do we stand up against the apathy and make this incident count? A day will come when we will fail as a race but can we let it be today? Should we not show our strength and let the braveheart know that her death spurred a nation from slumber into action? Lets rise! above the hate, above the displeasure, above the anger to ensure that this is not lost in memory, or in politicos dramas, or in media sensationalism.

An angry & sad individual who is coward enough to hide behind cynicism.

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