Sunday, February 24, 2013

Change - Lost in Transition

Two months have passed since the incident that shook the nation. No judgement has been passed & the prime accused are looking at bail & possibly smaller terms due to botched up investigation & general apathy. Meanwhile, a terror strike in southern part of nation kills more than 20 people & injuring more than 100 people. The home minister shuns responsibility while other political parties bray for his blood. The nation needs a strong budget to reduce uncertainty  push reforms, address economic situation & with an eye on general election, the govt. is mulling a populist budget to suit its purpose. To hell with Fiscal Deficit, who cares about it anyways. We have & will continue to make money through countless scams (big or small). This is the mind frame of all the dacoits (as per Paan Singh Tomar) sitting the Indian Parliament. Those who have power are minting money & those who crave power want to mint money. Nobody is bothered where this country is heading and what their responsibilities are.
I wrote in my last piece how we should stand up, raise our voices against the govt. apathy & fight for what is our right - safety & end to corruption.I also made a point to let's not allow the circumstances we are witnessing to die & be forgotten in our daily lives. But after just two months, not only are we lost back in our cocoon styled lives but also have forgotten about everything that transpired. We desire sympathy/empathy from the govt. or the political parties wooing us for their votes but sometimes I wonder whether we deserve any of that or do we truly deserve their apathy as we can see day in & day out. In sports, it's a common saying that a captain is only as good as his/her team. It seems so apt looking at us today. Joker (The Dark Knight) said of Gotham, "This city needs a better class of criminals." I had for long felt that this nation needs a better class of politicians but I am not so sure of it anymore. We have the politicians we don't need right now but they are what we deserve.
I might sound all gloomy, disappointed & to some I might be just cribbing & fretting over nothing as I can't appreciate stuff (their words not mine) but to tell the truth I can't seem to get over the hurt when I look & can't find a clean politician or when I so wish I don't read about a new rape case in some part of the country & I see two cases on the news. I know, I am prone to preaching which people detest more than the hair growing out of their noses or ears but I can't help myself. In spite of the negativity surrounding me I am sadly still holding out for hope that one day this nation awakes & yells at top of its voice that ENOUGH!! I have not yet lost faith in the system which currently pampers to divide & rule & I often make myself believe that there is always HOPE & it is this feeling that provides some purpose to me in my daily existence. A question that springs to mind on going through this turmoil is, "Is there anything I can do?" But the coward in me sites the case of the problem being TOO BIG for a small ME & that one man can't change the system philosophy to make me sit back down & try & paper over the cracks of my moral fiber.
But change is needed & we need a leader who can be selfless enough to take up that task for us. Cause it won't be easy & it would require lot of sacrifices along the way. We need a Dark Knight, who can not be a silent guardian....

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